Crystal Ball Gazing

As 2008 crawls to a close and 2009 looms just hours ahead, gazing into my crystal ball seemed like the thing to do.

Google-in Faith Popcorn, the guru of trends, coiner of such common phrases as "cocooning", and you'll find a listing of what the prophets profess for the new year.

A couple trend-worthy sites to peruse while perhaps sipping on your champagne include:,, and

It's going to be much of the same for the coming year, but take heart, there are some bright spots on the horizon like the new "discreet chic" and "rough luxe" trend that Trend Watch talks about--flea market finds, garage sale adventures, and spending more time on friendships, philanthropy, and reflection. Not a bad thing.

Green just gets better and more important. Social networking sites, blogs and the warp-speed social world of Twitter, will all save time, gas, airline tickets, and phone minutes as we stay connected in this ever-uncertain world.

Faith Popcorn invites us to reclaim, retrench, reset and reinvent in the new year. We'll question (as if we haven't already) our pillars of society; we'll retreat to our homes and cocoon again; we'll reset our luxe lifestyle and wannabe for a simpler way of living; and we'll reinvent ourselves and the way we shop, bartering, haggling, and connecting one-on-one with those purveyors of products and services. Time to staff up in customer service!

One thing is for certain, whenever there's a downturn in the economy, social change seems to accelerate. And that's a good thing.

Be strong. Be positive.
And have a spex-tacular new year!


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