Lash Out!

Don't let your eyes disappear behind the glass!
This season, the sultry, sexy eye is NOW! And falsh eyelashes are bigger than ever! Whether you feather them on professionally, or apply strips of lashes along your lash-line, looking glam in lashes has never been more fun. The trick is, you don't want to look like Tammy Faye!
Professionally applied lashes last several weeks, depending on how gentle you are on your eyes.
Lashes applied with traditional lash glue -- find them at beauty supply stores like Sally Beauty Supply -- can be a challenge, especially after several cups of coffee or a can of Red Bull. When removing them, you must be extra careful not to pull your own lashes out...a lash pulled from a hair follicle is history and won't grow back.
Want an even better solution! I found it at the MAC cosmetic counter when I asked the cosmetics sales person if she was wearing falsh eyelashes. She confessed she was wearing MAC's Prep+Prime that when applied adds delicate fibers that attach to your lashes. The more you roll on your lashes, the thicker they become. Roll on your favorite black mascara over your now primed lashes, and Voila! Thick, long lashes without the hassle or loss of lashes.
I won't leave home without it!
Now, flutter those lashes and flirt like crazy!
Keep looking spex-tacular!