You might not believe this, but Spexy Lady is an avid Wall Street Journal reader. How else is she supposed to figure out how to make enough money in the market to purchase those Manolos?

This week's WSJ (WSJ 9/12/10, pg B10) talks about top colleges recruiting grads, but also talks internships and their critical value as an entry point into the market for a real live paying job, and one with benefits, and paid vacations, and maybe a real desk and a real computer of your own.

WSJ College Survey of college recruiters says more than 50% of their new college hires had been interns at their companies. Even better, some 57% of students from the class of 2009 went from intern to full-time hire, up 50% from the previous year! And firms are even targeting and tracking freshmans and sophomores. Granted these numbers come from the Deloittes and the GEs of the world who are on campus recruiting, but on a micro level, it's holding true, I find. Companies, large and small, value good employees, and appreciate knowing what they're getting
when they make a hire. A strong intern often is your next good hire.

Applying for and securing an internship this Fall for next Summer, or for during the school year, could very well be your ticket to full-time employment and a "real job". Now that would make the moms and dads of the world who are footing some hefty college bills very, very happy!

Here's to finding your own spex-tacular internship!


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