It's a New Year--Have FUN!

Spexy Lady is back for 2011 after a rather long hiatus. Call it writer's block. Call it life happens.
Call it waiting for the angel of inspiration to fall upon my fingers.
For some, the concept of having to add "Have Fun" to your New Year's Resolutions is a foreign concept. For yours truly that's No. 1 on the list of resolutions, along with the usual "lose weight" "exercise more" etc.
What does "Have Fun" look like to you? Being "black out" wasted every weekend on the latest Vodka concoction? Finding the next hook-up? Escaping somewhere and leaving the kids and hubby for a weekend with the girls? Cooking up your favorite chocolate indulgence?
Here's what fun is NOT. Making friends in cyber space and never having the pleasure of a hug, a real smile, a contagious giggle. Sitting in front of the TV for hours on end, alone, with a bag of chips every single weekend night, living vicariously through LifeTime Original Movies of the Weekend. Working an extra shift, a second job to make ends meet. I could go on, and it's because I can relate to all of that NOT FUN business.
This year is the year to dance, fly fish, climb mountains, walk on the beach, travel fearlessly solo, take up art, invite people to dinner even if it is marinara sauce out of a jar, spaghetti and a prepared salad. This is the year for renewing old friendships, finding lost ones, and re-connecting with the "kid" inside.
Can't wait to start having Spex-tacular Fun! Plans are brewing! Hope yours are too!
Happy Spex-tacular 2011!