Summer's coming, and with it that desire for a beach-bum tan that shows off gorgeous gams, and pops those white T-shirts and jeans. Tan is cool, but what isn't is the potential for developing that potential deadly C-disease--skin cancer. Get that sun-kissed look with the hottest new bronzers and self-tanners. SL's faves? Xen-Tan's range of face and body tanners, available on line, or upscale department store cosmetic departments. Beauty editor favorite Jergen's moisturizing self-tanner has been the go-to bronzer for budget-minded gals as well as those in-the-know fashionistas.

And when you need a quick fix to cover unsightly summer bug bites, a road-map of varicose veins, or simply cuts, scrapes and discoloration, SL loves Sally Hansen's leg makeup, Airbrush Legs. It's a lifesaver for chic sandals that absolutely can't be worn with even the sheerest hosiery.
Brush a little bronze glimmer on cheeks, forehead and chin for that hint of summer sun before heading out the door. Best bet is still Guerlain's original Terra Cotta Bronzing Powder available on
Enjoy the sun, but remember to use sunscreen and reapply frequently. Here's to looking chic and sun-kissed without the worry!